Thursday, March 14, 2024

Eight (Almost) Free Ways to Tackle Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning supplies can be expensive, but they don’t have to break the bank or ruin that summer vacation you’ve been saving for. You may not even realize it, but you probably have countless items around that house that can be repurposed or even reused without spending a dime on fancy stainless steel polish or lemon-scented kitchen cleaner.

Check out these helpful tips to save money on refreshing your home as you tackle your yearly spring cleaning:

  • Baby Oil:Apply with a soft rag to your stainless appliances. It works wonders as to bring stainless steel’s luster back to like-new condition!
  • Used Dryer Sheets:

Save and repurpose them as dust rags. Their anti-static coating will remove debris and naturally keep future dust from clinging to your furniture and electronics.

  • Newspapers:

Replace those expensive paper towels with old newspapers for tasks like cleaning windows, mirrors, and other household glass.

  • Charcoal:

Place a plastic bowl of briquettes in closets and other out-of-the-way areas of the home where moisture is an issue. The charcoal will absorb any musty, mildew smell and let the fresh smell of your newly cleaned home shine through!

  • Banana peels:

Don’t throw them out just yet! They make a fantastic silver and leather polish for scratched utensils and scuffed furniture.

  • Orange peels:

Start saving your discarded orange and citrus peels a few weeks before you plan your spring cleaning spree. Place 2 cups peels and 2 cups of white vinegar in a mason jar and let marinate. After two weeks, strain the mixture and pour into your spray bottle. The vinegar provides the cleaning power and the citrus covers up the salad-dressing scent!

  • White vinegar and salt:

1 teaspoon vinegar and 2 tablespoons salt applied to your stained sink and bath areas will remove hard water streaks and other stubborn stains.

  • Baking soda and vinegar:

This homemade concoction makes a fantastic instant drain opener and cleaner. Pour ¼ cup baking soda into any clogged sink drain and then add 1 cup of white vinegar. Let the mixture sit for ½ hour before flushing with boiling water. Never buy those expensive drain cleaners again!

Use the above tips to avoid that expensive household cleanser aisle during spring-cleaning chores and throughout the year. When you repurpose used items or mix your own cleanser, you can feel good about saving money, take care of your spring cleaning, and get bonus points for being easy on the environment!

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